
QuickFit protection basket

Safety cover for adjustment knob

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QuickFit Protection Basket
Our protection baskets are valuable accessories: they protect against collisions, give additional protection against dust and are an optical enhancement. Like the heaters themselves, they are manufactured in high-grade steel, so that we offer a logical solution regarding both quality of material and optical general impression.

You fix our baskets without any further tools or drillholes! Just put the basket over the already mounted RiRo and wedge it, ready!

Stainless steel type 1.4301 – Width 150 mm, Height 195 mm
Order No. KORB0500 KORB1000 KORB1500 KORB2000 KORB3000 KORB4000
Length mm 380 580 780 980 1380 1740
u 500 E u 1000 E u 1500 E u 2000 E u 3000 E u 4000 E
a 500 E s 1000 E s 1500 E s 2000 E s 3000 E f 1200 E
f 120 E a 1000 E a 1500 E a 2000 E a 3000 E fa 1200 E
fa 120 E f 600 E f 935 E nt 1000 E
fa 600 E fa 935 E nta 1000 E
nt 500 E nt 800 E
nta 500 E nta 800 E

Safety cover for adjustment knob
In many cases the position of the switch, once adjusted, shall not be altered.Just mount this safety cover to prevent manipulation by unauthorized people.
Made of stainless steel, A2-Torx screws are included.

Order No. Height mm Width mm Depth mm
ABDECK 93 93 17

Take control!

Controls for electrical heaters – acc. to ECO-design regulation (EU) 2015/1188
Control unit type adjustment range switching capacity IP code Order no.
Thermostat for damp locations – 20° C … + 35° C 230 V 16 A IP 65 1-000
Electronic clock thermostat + 5° C … + 30° C 230 V 16 A IP 67 1-ECO
Dimmer for IR-heaters 0 …100% 230 V 13 A IP 55 HWP-D
Programmable thermostat + 5° C … + 37° C 230 V 16 A IP 21 1-TAP16R
IP44-case for 1-TAP16R IP 44 1-TEP44
External sensor for 1-TAP16R IP 54 1-RTX54
Presenze detector w/ power supply 230 V 10 A IP 42 1-PDK65
Additional presence detector 230 V 10 A IP 42 1-PDK65S
Relaybox 400 V 3 ~ 16 A IP 44 1-RB3
Relaybox w/ 3-step switch off -I-II-III 400 V 3 ~ 16 A IP 44 1-RB123
Black-bulb-sensor IP 30 1-SKG30
3-step-switch, manually off -I-II-III 230/400 V 3 ~ 20 A IP 44 1-S123

Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 2015/1188 concerning local space heaters does not apply to all application areas. The Regulation applies when an installation is intended to provide thermal comfort for people in the premises.
The Regulation does not apply to heating installations of a more technical nature e.g. in engineering/utility rooms, in production processes, frost protection, etc. The Regulation also does not apply to installations in vehicles, offshore or outdoors. Many SCHULTZE products can be used as both local space heaters (as defined in (EU) 2015/1188) and for technical heating purposes.
It is up to the installer responsible for the installation to assess whether the Ecodesign Regulation is applicable or not. We are happy to help.